155 Beamish St, Campsie NSW 2194, Australia (open map).
There is parking available at the backside towards 23 Shakespeare Street, Campsie.
Entry is from the sidewalk that takes you to the back. Up the big set of stairs and into the hall/prayer room.
Iqamah Times
Fajr | Not prayed |
Zuhr | Not prayed |
Asr | Not prayed |
Maghrib | Not prayed |
Esha | Not prayed |
Jummah Khutbah | 1:15 pm |
Jummah is at 1:15pm all year. Brothers only |
Last updated November 8, 2024. Suggest updates.
No information available regarding facilities.
- Website: https://www.uma.org.au/services/friday-jummah-prayers/
- Email: info@uma.org.au
- Phone: 0416 000 862
- Facebook: Facebook.com/UnitedMuslimsOfAustralia