81 Wembley Rd, Logan Central QLD 4114, Australia (open map).
Iqamah Times
Fajr | 4:15 am |
Zuhr | 1:00 pm |
Asr | 4:45 pm |
Maghrib | Just after athaan |
Esha | 8:15 pm |
Jummah Khutbah | 12:40 pm, 1:00 pm |
Last updated December 18, 2024. Suggest updates.
Women’s area and facilities available
Tuesday:Al-Adabul Al -Mufrad (Imam Bukhari )after Esha
Wednesday : Salaat Course after Esha
Friday: The Revival of Religious Sciences (Imam Ghazali)
All programs are inclusive of Women
No contact information available.