39 Wakefield St, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia (open map).
Located across from the Student Services Counselling Service. Building GS (George) Level 3.
Take the red stairs to the upper floor.
Iqamah Times
Fajr | 5:20 am |
Zuhr | 1:45 pm |
Asr | 10 mins after athaan |
Maghrib | 7 mins after athaan |
Esha | 7 mins after athaan |
Jummah Khutbah | 1:40 pm, 2:15 pm |
Last updated December 13, 2024. Suggest updates.
Wudu facility is available but best to come with wudu, especially for the Friday Jumu’ah.
Women’s area available with wudu facilities.
- Website: www.swinis.org
- Email: contactus@swinis.org
- Phone: +61469967995
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/Swinburneislamic/