238 Guildford Road, Maylands WA 6051, Australia (open map).
Iqamah Times
Fajr | 4:10 am |
Zuhr | 1:00 pm |
Asr | 4:00 pm |
Maghrib | 10 mins after athaan |
Esha | 8:40 pm |
Jummah Khutbah | 1:30 pm |
Khutba in Arabic and English |
Last updated December 2, 2024. Suggest updates.
Wudu Facility Available.
Please don’t park infront of the shops especially during Jummah Salah. Plenty of parking available in the Parking lot.
- Website: www.icentrewa.com.au
- Email: info@icentrewa.com.au
- Phone: (08) 9271 3332
- Facebook: facebook.com/islamiccentrewa