Tempe – Al Hijrah Mosque



45 Station Street, Tempe NSW 2044, Australia (open map).

Iqamah Times

Fajr5:53 am
Zuhr12:18 pm
Asr2:54 pm
Maghrib10 mins after athaan
Esha7:01 pm
Jummah Khutbah1:15 pm

Khutbah given in Indonesian and English.

Last updated July 3, 2024. Suggest updates.


Wudu facilities available. Library of books available.

Women’s prayer facilities available.

Saturdays for kids 10-2 pm.

Friday Youth Talk after maghrib or Isha.

Saturdays Night Talk after maghrib in Bahasa Indonesia

Sunday Morning classes after Fajr prayer.

Contact committee for other classes.

Isha Iqamat on Fridays & Saturdays at 7.15pm or adjusted when there is Talk or Lecture.

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