396 Greens Road, Keysborough VIC 3173, Australia (open map).
Do not parked on the nature strip's. You will get fine by the council $100+.
Iqamah Times
Fajr | 60 mins after athaan |
Zuhr | 7 mins after athaan |
Asr | 7 mins after athaan |
Maghrib | Just after athaan |
Esha | Just after athaan |
Jummah Khutbah | 1:30 pm |
Khutbah starts at 12:30pm during (AEST) and 1:30pm during (AEDT) Khutbah is in Turkish and English |
Last updated November 30, 2024. Suggest updates.
Plenty of parking. Wudu facilities available.
Women’s prayer hall available.
No contact information available.